Enrolment Procedures
All applications will be assessed in accordance with the school’s zoning criteria. Families will only be contacted once an appropriate vacancy becomes available for your child. Unfortunately, the school is not in a position to guarantee when vacancies at the school will arise.
We are not able to accept enquiries for short term enrolments.
North Adelaide Primary School is a zoned school with a Capacity Management Plan in place. We do not register families outside of our school zone.
Please click on this link to find your local zoned school:
Enrolling at North Adelaide Primary School – Please read the following information carefully.
North Adelaide Primary School is under constant enrolment pressure. Due to a Departmental assessment our numbers are capped and a Capacity Management Plan has been put in place until advised otherwise. This means that there are changes to our enrolment procedures and that living in the North Adelaide Primary School Zone does not guarantee enrolment at the school. Please click on this link to access the gazetted Capacity Management Plan pages 28-29 of the SA Government Gazette – 28 March 2024.
We DO NOT GIVE OUT ENROLMENT forms until an enrolment has been confirmed by the principal.
Reception Enrolment Enquiries – **REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR 2025**
Semester 1 (Starting school on 28 January 25) for preschool children who turn 5 by 30 April 2025.
Semester 2 (Starting school on 21 July 25) for preschool children who turn 5 by 31 October 2025.
Families who wish to register must provide the school with adequate proof of residency to the Front Office to go on the Register for 2025 no later than the end of week 10 term 2 (5 July 2024).
2025 Semester 1 and Semester 2 Reception enrolment enquiries close on Friday 5 July 2024.
If more applications than available places for enrolment are received from parents living in the school zone by this date, places will be offered based on whether any, all or a combination of the following applies:
- The child has siblings currently enrolled at the school
- The length of time the child has lived in the school zone
- The distance of the child’s residence from the school
- Other personal needs such as curriculum, transportation/location convenience, social/family links at the school
For applications for enrolment for the beginning of the 2025 (Semester 1), families will be notified from 2 August 2024.
For applications for enrolment for mid-year of 2025 (Semester 2), families will be notified from 21 February 2025.
Applicants not allocated to North Adelaide Primary School will be placed on the enrolment register and the school will support the family to find an enrolment at a neighbouring school.
Required Documents
In order for your child’s Registration to be complete and therefore valid, please post or email all the following documents attention to the Enrolment Officer at dl.0179.admin@schools.sa.edu.au:
- Child’s proof of identification (Birth Certificate or Passport)
- A copy of your child’s visa documentation (if applicable)
- Proof of address as per the following:
Renting your home:
- A copy of your current rental agreement (must cover the first full year of your child’s schooling)
- A copy of your Bond Receipt, issued by Consumer and Business Centre
- A copy of your most recent electricity or gas bill, or connection notification
Purchased your home:
- A copy of your recent Council Rates Notice (or Contract of Sale if very recent)
- A copy of your most recent electricity or gas bill, or connection notification
All information listed must correlate with the parents of the child. We will not accept proof of residency whereby the residence is in another persons name, ie: parent or grandparent.
Submitting the above documents it is not an enrolment at the school, it is an application for your child to be placed on our school Enrolment Register.
In some instances, the school may ask families to supply additional ‘secondary’ documentation to support proof of address details.
Once residency has been confirmed, you will receive a Registration of Interest form which will need to be returned to the school by Friday 5 July 2024.
Please be aware, in line with the Department for Education School and Preschool Enrolment policy and related procedures, parents must be advised that providing the school with false or intentionally misleading information about their child’s primary place of residence to gain entry may result in an offence and be reported to the police.
Late Applications for Reception
Families who move into the school zone or who are already living in the school zone but lodge their application for enrolment after the end of week 10 of term 2 (5 July 2024), will only have their applications considered if or when vacancies exist.
Visa Papers
If you have immigrated to Australia, please provide us with your Visa papers and Visa Number. Families on 457 or 482 visas need to contact Temporary Resident Student Fee Administration on (08) 8226 7598, or by email at Education.TempVisaStudents@sa.gov.au.
Years 1–6 – Register for a Vacancy
2024 – We are currently very near capacity for 2024 in most year levels. Please enquire with the school, and if we are not able to accommodate the year level required you will be referred for enrolment to another neighbouring school.
2025 – New applications for enrolment will be placed on our Enrolment Register. To apply for our 2025 Enrolment Register you must supply the school the required documents as advised above. Offers of enrolment will be made by the Principal once a vacancy has been confirmed. Please note this will not be until 8 November 2024 at the earliest, after current student numbers and movements have been confirmed.
Enrolment enquiries from parents of prospective students living inside the school zone will be considered if or when vacancies exist, with priority consideration afforded to those applicants already on the enrolment register. If a family has provided us with adequate proof of address (as advised above) we will ask you to complete a Registration of Interest and add your child/ren’s name to our register. If a place becomes available we will contact you.
PLEASE NOTE: In order for your child to be considered for enrolment, you must supply the school with all the required supporting documents (please see above for details). Completed Registrations can be posted to the school or emailed to dl.0179.admin@schools.sa.edu.au
Subsequent Siblings – Outside of School Zone
There is no automatic entry for students who live outside the school’s zone and have older siblings who currently attend the school.
Once residency has been confirmed, you will receive a Registration of Interest form which will need to be returned to the school at your earliest convenience.
If your child has limited oral and written English, we expect that they attend an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) to develop their English proficiency. The zoned IELC school for North Adelaide Primary School is Kilkenny Primary School. They can be contacted via email at dl.0207.info@schools.sa.edu.au, or phone 08 8345 4138.