Out of School Hours Care

Welcome to North Adelaide Primary School Out of School Hours Care (NAPS OSHC)!

We provide quality Before and After School Care as well as Pupil Free Days and Vacation Care with a wide range of activities for children aged 4 to 12.

The service is available for families who are working, studying, wanting respite or just looking for something different for their children – an opportunity to play with their friends and make new ones!

We are open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 8.40am for Before School Care.

We are open Monday to Friday from 3pm to 6pm for After School Care.

We are open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 6pm during vacation care and on pupil free days.

We are a non-profit organisation, which is managed by North Adelaide Primary School Governing Council and supported by the OSHC management committee.


For general Information about the service, please contact us via:

Email: oshc.naps925@schools.sa.edu.au

Tel: 08 8267 8606 or 0418 284 803 (7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday)

The OSHC team look forward to welcoming children and families to the service!

To begin the enrolment process for NAPS OSHC please follow this link.


Before School Care

For Before School Care (BSC) we are open from 7:30am. Children are signed in by their authorised adult and dismissed and signed out by an OSHC Educator at 8:40am to begin their school day.

Breakfast is offered to children every morning, from 7:30am until 8:15am, in accordance with our weekly menu.

Children have the option to engage in programmed activities during this morning session or engage in ‘free-choice’ art or play.

This program is charged on a full session basis (less CCS rebate), regardless of the time children spend at the service. All BSC bookings must be cancelled by 6pm the day before the booking date to avoid being charged the full fee.

Before School Care is open Monday to Friday during the school term from 7:30am to 8:40am.

After School Care

The After School Care (ASC) service begins daily from school dismissal at 3pm. Children are signed in at 3pm by OSHC Educators and can be signed out anytime after 3pm by their authorised adult. The service closes at 6pm every evening. Children must be picked up by 6pm to avoid incurring late pick up fees.

This program is charged on a full session basis (less CCS rebate), regardless of the time children spend at the service. All ASC bookings must be cancelled by 6pm the day before the booking date to avoid being charged the full fee.

An afternoon snack is offered to the children at 3:15pm in accordance with our weekly menu.

During After School Care, children can participate in a variety of programmed activities, utilise toys and resources or engage in ‘free-choice’ play.

After School Care is available to all children attending North Adelaide Primary School. We also offer places to Kindergarten children upon arrangement.

After School Care is open Monday to Friday during the school term from 3pm to 6pm.

Vacation & Pupil Free Days

We are open for both school holidays and pupil free days. The service is open from 7:30am until 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays). Children can be signed in and out by their authorised adult any time during these times.

The program is charged on a full session basis (less CCS rebate), regardless of the time children spend at the service. Cancellations for vacation care and pupil free days must be made by 6pm; 5 days before the booking date to avoid being charged the full fee. Excursion cancellations are charged the full fee regardless of the cancellation date.

Breakfast is offered on these days from 7:30am until 8:15 am, in accordance with our weekly menu. Afternoon snack is also provided for the children by the service at 3pm daily.

The program offers a variety of excursions, incursions and on-site experiences. This program is designed around the children’s ‘voice’ and reflects their interests and requests.

The service is closed on public holidays and shuts down for a 2-week period over Christmas. OSHC families are notified of the dates of the closure period in Term 4 each year.

We accept bookings for Vacation care for any school aged children, from any school upon arrangement.

We are open Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 7:30am to 6pm during vacation care and for pupil free days.